Why should participants attend?
Getting the images isn't necessarily the tricky part. In our experience, what people struggle with during a borescope inspection is having to make critical decisions about what they see.
Of course, organizations can rely on their aircraft maintenance engineers developing their skills over time by shadowing a more senior tech or reading past reports. The issue is precisely this: time. It takes a while to gain valuable experience. Time that the business doesn't have.
This Borecsope Inspection Course might as well be called "Critical Decision-making in Engine Proactive Maintenance." That's exactly what we believe those inspections should be: an opportunity to optimally manage the engine.
Through scenarios and exercises, participants will hone their skills in class to better support their teams when back on the job. Our goal is to jump-start their expertise curve so you don't have to wait for it.
Skills participants develop through this course
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Use the proper documentation to qualify damages
Identify and locate engine components related to the inspection
Use the right tools the right way to access components and take sound images
Make smart decisions about the state of the engine and course of action post-inspection
Produce proper reports to document findings and decisions